Do you want to train your leadership skills? The FEMPOWER project aims to provide you – trainees – with role models & teach you about different topics and assist on the path to self-awareness & empowerment.
The aim is to develop and reinforce leadership skills and empower young women within the innovative work-based learning environment of the Practice Enterprise. The project also aims to address gender stereotype expectations and raise awareness of gender-based discrimination in the labour market.
All of these elements will help you on your future personal & carreer path. The FEMPOWER consortium wants to make sure that you are well equipped and aware of your capabilities well before you enter the real world of business.
These are the ways in which you can benefit from our project:
Mentoring & Coaching
Mini-Course Programme
Role models & Storytelling
Do you want to participate in the FEMPOWER Mini-Course and train your leadership skills? Do you wish to feel more empowered? Click on the button Mini-Course for Participants, Trainees, Learners to get to the FEMPOWER Mini-Course Programme.
Do you want to train & develop your leadership skills and get on the path to empowerment through the FEMPOWER Mini-Course Programme? Check out the Mini-Courses above or reach out to us directly. Get started on the path to feeling more empowered right now!